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Alisa George
Operations Recruiter
Get to know Alisa

I am an Operations Recruiter for the NE Portland branch location. I attended the Art Institute of Portland for Design Project Management, but like many I am not using my degree for what it was intended for. After moving back to Portland, I decided to switch career fields. Someone suggested that I use a staffing agency, to get that new industry experience on my resume. It worked! But I had to temp a lot to find exactly what I was looking for. I even was an Opti Candidate before becoming a recruiter! I have been on a career roller coaster for the past 10 yrs, but I believe I have arrived where I belong! Finally! I love my job, my coworkers & to be able to engage with new people every day.

I have 2 teen boys; I enjoy dry humor & patient people. As I am a fast-talking chatter box. I shamelessly love research & old photographs of people I don’t know. I believe in me, I believe in you, & I believe in the laws of the universe, that everything happens for a reason, even this part!


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